
Effect of osmotic and matric potential on germination and germ tube extension of eight soil fungi was determined on a straw extract agar at 12 and 20 °C and compared with that on sterile or unsterile wheat straw leaf sheaths of different water potentials. Osmotic and matric potential range for germination and germ-tube growth was much wider at 20° than 12° even when the incubation time was doubled to 48 h. In general, germination and germ tube extension of F. culmorum, Trichoderma and Penicillium spp. occurred over a wider osmotic than matric potential range. However, temperature influenced this effect. Gliocladium roseum and G. virens were exceptions having similar osmotic and matric potential ranges for germination and germ-tube extension. On osmotically and matrically modified media, F. culmorum produced significantly longer germ-tubes than Gliocladium, Penicillium and Trichoderma spp. at both 12° and 20°. Germination of all fungi at −0.7 and −2.8 MPa water potential on sterile or unsterile leaf sheaths was significantly less than that obtained at corresponding water potentials on the agar. F. culmorum was the only species where germination reached 50% or more on leaf sheaths.

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