
This study was designed to assess how dietary vitamin E (E) and (or) selenium (Se) concentrations affect immune responses of gestating and peripartum sows. Multiparous sows (24), assigned to one of four groups at breeding, were fed ensiled, shelled corn-soybean meal-based diets without supplemental E or Se (-E-Se), with .3 mg of Se/kg (-E+Se), with 60 IU of E/kg (+E-Se), or with both supplemental E and Se (+E+Se) during gestation and to d 4 of lactation. Blood was obtained on 0, 30, 60, and 90 d of gestation and at parturition for serum E and Se assays. Lymphocytes and polymorphonuclear cells (PMN) were isolated from the blood, colostrum, and 4-d milk samples for immune studies. Compared with the control (+E+Se) diet, the -E-Se diet reduced (P < .05) the serum tocopherol and Se concentrations, the mitogenic responses of lymphocytes of peripheral blood (PBL) and colostrum (CL), the phagocytic activity of blood and colostral PMN, and the microbicidal activity of blood, colostral, and milk PMN. The -E+Se diet reduced (P < .05) the serum tocopherol concentrations, the mitogenic responses of PBL and CL, and the phagocytic activity of PBL. The +E-Se diet reduced (P < .05) serum Se concentrations and the phagocytic activity of PMN. The data indicated that E restriction depressed PBL and PMN immune functions, whereas Se restriction depressed mainly PMN function.

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