
1. In Phodopus sungorus the frequency and characteristics of daily torpor were not affected by a decrease in temperature. The seasonal cycle of daily torpor is essentially under photoperiodic control. 2. Testicular regression is a necessary condition for daily torpor occurrence. Testosterone and 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone administration totally inhibited daily torpor in hamsters which were exposed to short days. The temporal inhibition of torpor by steroids had no effect on the seasonal time measuring mechanism governing daily torpor. 3. Castration influenced certain aspects of the daily torpor display. Castrated hamsters showed a delay in terminating torpor season lending further support to the hypothesis that recrudescence of the testis plays a role in terminating the daily torpor season. Castration, when performed before or on the day of transfer to short photoperiod led to an increase in the frequency of torpor bouts and reduce SP exposure duration which is necessary for the daily torpor season beginning.

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