
Salt tolerance of halophytes corresponds with the habitat requirement of the species. It is an important factor during the germination phase and it can determine successful establishment. This paper presents the effects of alternating temperature–light regimes (4/8°C, 10/20°C, 20/32°C; 12 h dark: 12 h light) and different salinity levels (0, 200, 400, 600 mmol l21 NaCl) on seed germination of five halophytes, Halimione pedunculata, Bupleurum tenuissimum, Aster tripolium, Triglochin maritimum and Armeria maritima. The five species differ with respect to family and life‐form and spatially correspond to a decreasing salt gradient (i.e. distance from salt water, with H. pedunculata being the most tolerant and A. maritima being the least). Armeria maritima, A. tripolium and T. maritimum seeds were additionally subjected to a cold stratification experiment. The results showed that Halimione pedunculata, an annual therophyte of year‐round heavily saline habitats, was dormant under all experimental conditions. Bupleurum tenuissimum, a species typical to sites of varying salinity prone to leaching during spring and autumn rainfall, germinated best under cold and warm temperatures, but only under non‐saline conditions. Aster tripolium and T. maritimum, close neighbours in salt marshes, showed very similar germination behaviour: seeds of both species tolerated high levels of salinity and germinated best in summer temperatures during periods of highest soil salinity, and germination was significantly promoted by cold. Armeria maritima, a species usually found on the marginal fringes of saline habitats, germinated only under low salt levels and maximum germination was under cold (spring) and warm (autumn) temperatures, with no significant effect of cold stratification.

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