
Conscious ovariectomized (OVX) rats bearing a cannula implanted in the third ventricle were injected with 2 μl of 0.9% NaCl containing varying doses of substance P (SP) or neurotensin (NT) and plasma GH and TSH levels were measured by RIA in jugular blood samples drawn through an indwelling silastic catheter. Control injections of physiologic saline iv or into the third ventricle did not modify plasma hormone levels. Intraventricular injection of SP or NT at doses of either 0.5 or 2 μg elevated plasma GH concentrations within 5 min and they remained elevated for 60 min. Third ventricular injection of similar doses of SP or NT had no effect on plasma TSH. An intermediate dose of 1 μg of SP or NT given iv had no effect on plasma GH but NT elevated plasma TSH. Incubation of hemipituitaries from OVX rats with varying doses of SP or NT did not alter GH release into the medium but TSH release was enhanced with NT at doses of 100 or more ng/ml of medium. It is suggested that SP acts centrally to stimulate growth hormone-releasing factor (GRF) or to inhibit somatostatin release and thereby enhance GH release and that NT acts directly on the pituitary to stimulate TSH release.

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