
SUMMARYTurkish (Origanum onites L.) and Greek oregano (Origanum vulgare L., ssp. hirtum (Link.) Ietswaart) species were investigated to determine herbage colour, essential oil content and composition changes due to sage leafhopper (Eupteryx melissae) (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) infestation. Sage leafhopper population on both Turkish and Greek oregano did not significantly vary. The sage leafhopper damage was more severe in the lower part of the canopy than the middle and upper parts. Extensive sage leafhopper feeding dramatically reduced essential oil contents, resulting in 28.8 and 34.8% reductions for Greek and Turkish oregano, respectively. Carvacrol, the major essential oil component of both oregano species, did not remarkably vary between leafhopper infested and non-infested plants. With respect to herbage colour, the brightness, redness and yellowness values were significantly different between infested and non-infested plants. Sage leafhopper damage increased brightness and yellowness but decreased greenness of the oregano herbage. To avoid the feeding damage, it is essential to detect the sage leafhopper problem as early as possible and certain control practices are necessary when the infestation is high.

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