
In Japan, artificial pollination is practiced to improve fruit set as well as fruit size and to obtain perfect round shapes in ‘Housui’ (S 3S 5) Japanese pear and most commercial cultivars that present gametophytic self-incompatibility. The period of artificial pollination application is limited by environmental conditions and the availability of a labor force. The present study aimed to determine if pre-pollination applications of putrescine (1.0 and 0.01 mM) positively affect fruit set in ‘Housui’ after hand-pollination. During 2002 and 2003, fruit set in late pollinated flowers increased with pre-pollination putrescine applications and concentrations of 1.0 mM had a better effect than 0.01 mM. In vitro pollination tests revealed that higher pollen germination was present in the stigmas of flowers sprayed with 1.0 mM of putrescine compared to the controls. Putrescine application did not affect post-pollination ethylene production in the styles. Moreover, in the styles of non-treated flowers, an increment of putrescine content and ethylene production after pollination was found, suggesting post-pollination responses and confirming the lack of antagonism between polyamines and ethylene at least during this process.

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