
Several studies have investigated the effects of prenatal cocaine (PCOC) exposure on the nigrostriatal dopaminergic system in animal models of maternal drug abuse, yet independent examinations of striatal dopamine (DA) receptors and tissue DA levels have produced equivocal results. The current meta-analysis provides a quantitative review of the literature on these topics, and analyzes potential moderators of the effects of PCOC exposure on these variables. The results indicate that the effects of PCOC exposure on striatal DA levels, D1 and D2 receptor-binding densities, and D2 receptor-binding affinity are negligible when collapsed over age, sex, species, and several other methodological variables. However, effects of PCOC exposure on some dopaminergic measures were significantly influenced by factors such as age and sex. As expected, and as suggested by the selectivity and specificity of PCOC-induced changes reported in the published literature, the direction and magnitude of differences between genders or age groups in this study were not systematic across all dependent measures. Generally, PCOC exposure was more often linked to decreases, rather than increases, in the selected dependent measures. These findings indicate that PCOC exposure produces selective alterations in striatal dopaminergic system function which do not appear under all experimental circumstances, but which may be important factors in behavioral alterations seen in selected groups after PCOC exposure.

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