
Orchard experiments were conducted to evaluate chemical treatments for management of perennial cankers caused by Phytophthora cactorum and P. citricola on almond (Prunus dulcis) in the San Joaquin Valley of California. Single preventive foliar sprays with phosphonate were tested by wounding and inoculating tree trunks and branches with either pathogen at time intervals from 15 days to 5 months after spraying. One to 3 months after inoculation, resulting cankers were measured. Preventive foliar sprays with phosphonate in the fall or spring suppressed development of cankers for up to 5 months after treatment; mean canker lengths on the trees sprayed with phosphonate before inoculation were 22 to 98% smaller than those on trees that received no phosphonate. In subsequent tests, preventive chemigation with phosphonate in spring or summer also inhibited canker expansion. A curative topical treatment with either fosetyl-Al or mefenoxam on cankers caused by P. cactorum or P. citricola reduced canker expansion by 36 to 88%. Neither preventive nor therapeutic treatments eradicated the pathogens from the diseased tissues, but disease ratings made 1 year after the treatments indicated extended disease suppression. Phosphonate and mefenoxam treatments can effectively manage almond scion cankers caused by P. cactorum or P. citricola.

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