
Optical densities of liposomes loading different surface charge were measured in aqueous solutions of various added salts to study colloidal stabilities of the systems. Without added salts, surface charge generally resulted in enhanced stability of liposome. The salt effects upon liposome systems were dependent on the type of surface charge. In the cases of liposomes of zero net charge, destabilizing effects on liposomes by anion were as Cl->Br->SCN->I- and substantially corresponded to McBain's lyotropic series which indicated strength of dehydration from hydrophilic colloid. While, for charged liposomes, destabilization effects were in the order of SCN->I->Br->Cl- for postively charged liposomes and of Li+>Na+>K+>Cs+ for negatively charged liposomes, and the binding of counterions to ammonium group or to phosphate group was found to be critical to determine stabilities of liposomes.

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