
Both experimental and theoretical works had been done to study the effects of mixture parameters on the performance of corrugated plate (CP) dryer. A water-air experimental branch had been established to simulate water-steam separation in a CP dryer. The effect of ambient relative humidity on the dryer experiment is analyzed. The diameter distribution of water droplets in air-water mixture at (CP) dryer entrance was measured by laser particle size analyzer. The effects of droplet diameter, moisture content and mixture flow velocity on the separation efficiency, pressure drop and the re-entrainment were studied. At the same time, a theoretical model for trajectory tracking of water particle in CP channel was established to illustrate experimental results. The conclusion shows that: 1) this effect of ambient relative humidity cannot be ignored or error could be introduced to experimental results. 2) The separation efficiency increases with the increase of inlet particle size, increases with the increase of inlet moisture content and increases first and then decreases with the increase of inlet velocity. 3) Critical airflow speed of re-entrainment decreases as the inlet moisture content increases. 4) The pressure drop is exponentially increasing with inlet airflow speed.

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