
Theeffects of light competition and litter on seedling recruitment and theperformance of established individuals were examined in Violapalustris. This polycarpic perennial plant was a common component ofspecies-rich fen meadows in northwestern Germany until the middle of thiscentury, but today is considered to be regionally endangered. From summer 1996until summer 1998 a bi-factorial field experiment combining three standing croptreatments (mowing, thinning, control) with two litter layer treatments (litterremoval, no litter removal) was carried out in an abandoned fen meadow toinvestigate the effects of these factors both on V.palustris and on aboveground species composition and diversity.MANOVAs (multivariate analysis of variance) revealed significant treatmenteffects for the performance of V. palustris related toexperimental manipulation. Mowing increased vital attributes including thenumber of rosette leaves, the percentage of individuals with chasmogamous andcleistogamous flowers and the number of rhizomes. In contrast, the length of theleafstalk, mean leaf area and the length of rhizomes were negatively associatedwith mowing. Litter removal significantly increased the number of V.palustris seedlings. The removal of the litter layer already resultedin an increase in aboveground species richness in the first year of theexperiment. After three years of experimental manipulation, both abovegroundspecies richness and diversity were positively associated with mowing.Redundancy Analysis showed that typical wet meadow species (Cardaminepratensis, Lychnis flos-cuculi, Lotuspedunculatus) and species of mesotrophic fens (Violapalustris, Agrostis canina, Potentillapalustris) were positively influenced by mowing. It can be concludedthat V. palustris recruitment and growth is promoted by aregular disturbance regime on fen meadows. The conservation of many typicalspecies of wet meadows and fens in northwestern Germany depends on moderategrazing or cutting. These management types prevent successional changes whichlead to an increase in standing crop and the development of a litter layer, bothof which can cause local extinction.

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