
Effect of high-humidity hot air impingement blanching on photochemical degradation kinetics (red pigments and ascorbic acid) and antioxidant capacity changes (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydracyl, DPPH and total antioxidant capacity) of red pepper during 6-month storage at ambient temperature in dark was investigated. Ultrastructure of raw and blanched samples was also observed using a transmission electron microscope (TEM). Blanching followed by drying resulted in 63–85% and 33–59% reduction in red pigment and ascorbic acid content, respectively. The antioxidant capacity of samples was found to increase after drying. After 6-month storage, further breakdown of red pigment and ascorbic acid was observed. The red pigment degradation followed the first-order reaction kinetics; untreated samples displayed the most red pigment loss, while the Weibull model described well the ascorbic acid degradation kinetics. Ultrastructure observations explained why over-blanching can cause serious phytochemical degradation. The current findings indicate proper blanching pretreatment prevents phytochemicals degradation of dried pepper during storage.

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