
1. The influence of coarse substratum and flow, coarse substratum and food, and predation risk and flow on habitat use by Gammarus pulex was studied in three experiments conducted in artificial stream channels. Each stream channel consisted of a riffle and pool habitat.2. Location of coarse substrata and food was manipulated by placing cobbles (coarse substratum) and leaf packs (food) in different habitats. Predation risk was varied by running experiments in the presence and absence of sculpins (Cottus gobio), and flow was varied by pumping water with one or two pumps.3. In all experiments Gammarus were most abundant in pools but placement of cobbles in riffles increased use of the latter. An even greater percentage of Gammarus used riffles if leaf packs were also placed there. Decreased discharge and the presence of sculpins (Cottus gobio) also caused Gammarus to increase use of riffles. These data indicate that Gammarus is able to evaluate differences in habitat quality and respond accordingly.

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