
Single Comb White Leghorn laying hens were fed diets high in oleic, linolenic, or linoleic acid prepared by incorporation of high oleic acid sunflower seed (HOAS), full-fat flax seed (FLAX), or regular high linoleic acid sunflower seed (HLAS), respectively, to investigate the effects of dietary fats on the fatty acid compositions of major lipid classes of chicken eggs. Egg production, Haugh units, specific gravity, and yolk total lipid content were measured. After 3 wk of feeding, the fatty acid compositions of yolk total lipids, triglycerides, phosphatidylcholine (PC), and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) were measured by gas chromatography. Dietary treatments had no effect on egg production, Haugh units, specific gravity, or yolk total lipid content. Feeding HOAS increased yolk oleic acid by 17%, and the change was only in triglycerides. The increases of yolk linoleic and arachidonic acids upon HLAS feeding were distributed evenly among triglycerides and PC, with moderate effect in the PE fraction. The enrichment of linolenic acid in eggs from the FLAX regime was mainly in triglycerides. The longer chain n-3 fatty acids, such as eicosapentaenoic, dososapentaenoic, and docosahexaenoic acids, were deposited exclusively in phospholipids, particularly in PE. The contents of the longer chain n-3 fatty acids in PE were three to seven times those in PC, indicating a preferential incorporation of these fatty acids into PE.

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