
SummaryCaucalis platycarpos is a weed species in irrigated and dry land farming systems in East Azerbaijan and Kermanshah provinces of Iran. Experiments were undertaken to compare C. platycarpos seed germination and emergence of a population from each province over a range of environmental factors, burial depth and crop residue treatments. The Azerbaijan population required lower temperatures (20/10°C day/night temperature) for its highest (90%) germination, compared with the Kermanshah population (88% germination at 25/15°C day/night temperature). In both populations, germination was 84–90% over a wide range of light/dark periods (10–24 h light), but considerable reduction (up to 42%) occurred under continuous darkness. The osmotic potential required for 50% inhibition of germination was −0.54 and −0.40 MPa for Azerbaijan and Kermanshah populations respectively. The NaCl concentration of 8.83 and 5.71 dS m−1 caused 50% inhibition of germination in Azerbaijan and Kermanshah populations respectively. The X50 parameter (the burial depth at which emergence is reduced by 50%) for Azerbaijan and Kermanshah population was 2.18 and 2.86 cm respectively. Crop residues had more inhibitory effects on the Azerbaijan than Kermanshah population. Adaptive differentiation of C. platycarpos populations has also resulted in smaller seeds of the Azerbaijan compared with the Kermanshah population and resulted in higher emergence for Kermanshah population seedlings from greater soil depths. These results suggest that differences in germination requirements, drought and salinity tolerance of C. platycarpos populations are correlated with environmental conditions of the habitats of the studied populations.

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