
The effects of elevated selenium (Se) and salinity concentrations in the root zone on Se and salt secretion and accumulation were studied for an inland (Kesterson) and a coastal (Bodega Bay) saltgrass in sand culture and under greenhouse conditions. The results of this study indicate that the secretory mechanism of the saltgrass exhibits high ion specificity. Plants of both ecotypes were more efficient at Cl −and Na +secretion than at SO 4 2−and Se secretion, suggesting that the saltgrass secretion mechanism is adapted primarily to saline environments high in NaCl. The saltgrass plants of the Kesterson ecotype secreted more Se than the Bodega Bay plants when treated with Se alone. However, the Bodega Bay plants secreted more Se than the Kesterson plants when the plants were treated with Se + NaCl. These differences reflect a ecotypical difference in which the Kesterson plants are more adaptive to the seleniferous soil, and the Bodega Bay plants are more adaptive to a coastal saline soil high in NaCl. Sulfate availability inhibited both Se accumulation and Se secretion in the plants of both ecotypes by approximately 98%. Ion secretion molar ratios of Na:Cl were calculated and the results suggest that Na +secretion is dependent on the availability of Cl −. Selenium was taken up by plants with little discrimination, and thus it may be regarded as a master of chemical mimicry sharing similar physical and chemical properties with sulfur (S). Selenium and salt accumulation indices and secretion efficiency indices were calculated and found that the accumulation indices were higher for Se than for S, suggesting that Se uptake may be more passive and less regulated by active transport than S. Secretion efficiency was much higher for Na +and Cl −than for Se and SO 4 2−, but the efficiency indices between ecotypes were comparable, suggesting that the secretion mechanism in this species is designed mainly for adaptation of high NaCl concentrations. About 85% of the secreted Se was found in selenate form. This finding suggests that the mechanism of Se translocation and Se secretion in the saltgrass resembles the movement of selenate in xylem found in nonhalophytic plants. Less than 15% of organic Se was detected in the secretions and only trace amount of selenite was detected. Overall, the Se secretion mechanism in saltgrass does not seem to contribute substantial Se speciation in the plant soil system.

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