
The anterior pituitary glands of sterilized rats secured by subcutaneous injection of 50μg estradiol benzoate contained a higher content of FSH and a little lower content of LH than those of normal proestrous glands. Serum contents of these hormones were not so different from those in normal proestrus and estrus. Electrical stimulations (0.1ms, 100Hz, 100μA) through chronically implanted electrodes into the medial preoptic area and medial part of amygdala induced the increases of serum LH and FSH. Stimulation into the dorsal hippocampus increased serum and pituitary concentrations of FSH and serum concentration of LH. Serum and pituitary concentrations of prolactin in the estrogenized rat were almost equivalent to those in normal proestrus and estrus, and stimulation of the hippocampus induced an increase of serum one. These results show that the brain of estrogenized rat differs in the function of hippocampus from that of normal cycling rat and in the function of amygdala from that of androgenized rat. However, the dramatic increase of serum and pituitary concentrations of both LH and FSH in response to bilateral ovariectomy indicates the right existence of steroid sensitive component in the brain.

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