
This numerical and analytical study investigates effects of differential diffusion on nonpremixed-flame temperatures. To focus more directly on transport effects the work considers a single irreversible reaction with an infinitely fast rate, with Schab–Zel’dovich coupling functions introduced to write the conservation equations of energy and reactants in a chemistry-free form accounting for non-unity values of the fuel Lewis number LF. Different flow configurations of increasing complexity are analyzed, beginning with canonical flamelet models that are reducible to ordinary differential equations, for which the variation of the flame temperature with fuel-feed dilution and LF is quantified, revealing larger departures from adiabatic values in dilute configurations with oxidizer-to-fuel stoichiometric ratios S of order unity. Marble’s problem of an unsteady flame wrapped by a line vortex is considered next, with specific attention given to large-Peclet-number solutions. Unexpected effects of differential diffusion are encountered for S < 1 near the vortex core, including superadiabatic/subadibatic flame temperatures occurring for values of LF larger/smaller than unity as well as temperature profiles peaking on the oxidizer side of the flame. Direct numerical simulations of diffusion flames in a temporal turbulent mixing layer are used to further investigate these unexpected differential–diffusion effects. The results, confirming and extending previous findings, underscore the nontrivial role of differential diffusion in nonpremixed–combustion systems.

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