
Improving magnetocrystalline anisotropy to create materials with high coercivity by means of partial replacement of Nd with a heavy rare earth element such as Tb and Dy requires considerable refinement of grain size in order to keep the relation between intergranular exchange energy and magnetocrystalline energy unchanged. Addition of small amounts of Cu and Zr is shown to be effective to manipulate crystallization behaviors and hence structure of the Fe/sub 3/B/Nd/sub 2/Fe/sub 14/B-type nanocomposite permanent magnets containing heavy rare earth elements. The impact of the simultaneous addition of Cu-Zr is that improvement of magnetic properties can he achieved with a smaller amount of additives than Cu-Nb addition reported earlier. An example is Nd/sub 3.4/Dy/sub 1.0/Fe/sub 71.7/B/sub 18.5/Cr/sub 2.4/Co/sub 2.4/Cu/sub 0./ /sub 4/Zr/sub 0.2/ with H/sub cJ/=462 kA/m, B/sub r/=0.97 T, and (BH)/sub max/=105 kJ/m/sup 3/.

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