
Aerobic stability of corn silage can be a major problem for farmers particularly in warmweather. Silage inoculants, while the most common type of silage additive, have not been effectiveat improving aerobic stability. This study investigated new and proposed inoculant products overthree years on corn silage in mini-silos. Three new approaches were tested: enhancedhomofermentative inoculants, a standard inoculant plus sodium benzoate, and heterofermentativelactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus buchneri). These approaches were compared with untreated aswell as four standard homofermentative lactic acid bacterial inoculants. The standard inoculants onaverage reduced aerobic stability 17 h relative to untreated silage. The best enhanced inoculantincreased stability one year in three. The standard inoculant plus sodium benzoate increasedstability but was only tested in one year. The L. buchneri inoculants improved stability consistentlyall three years except in one case where one of these products had low viability. Overall, the L.buchneri products appear to be most consistent at improving the aerobic stability of corn silage ofthose commercially available.

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