
In this research, blackthorn (Prunus spinosa L.) and blackberry (Rubus sanctus Schreb.) fruits have been extracted with water, ethanol, ethanol/water solvents. Fruit extracts were sprayed on the leaves of grossum and conoides varieties of Capsicum annuum L.. 24 and 48 hours after extract applications, healthy leaf of ten weeks old seedlings were harvested for protein and peroxidase analyses. Changing in total protein levels and peroxidase activity were measured spectrophotometrically.The highest total protein level increase was in the application of ethanolic extract of R. sanctus to grossum variety when we compare with control group. This increasing 24 and 48 hours after application were determined as 154% and 144% respectively. After the applications of R. sanctus fruit extract to the grossum and conoides varieties, peroxidase (POX) [EC] activity changing have been found better than P. spinosa extract application. After the both fruit extract applications, increasing in the POX activity of conoides variety have been found better than the grossum variety. 24 and 48 hours after application of ethanolic R. sanctus extract to conoides variety, POX activity increasing have been found respectively as 76% and 94%. In conclusion, it was shown that P. spinosa and R. sanctus fruit extracts have been stimulated the plant defense system in grossum and conoides varieties of C. annuum at different levels within the scope of total protein amount and peroxidase activity according to the control group.

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