
The transition from alder (Alnus tenuifolia) to balsam poplar (Populus balsamifera) is a critical turning point in primary succession on river floodplains in interior Alaska. Associated with the change in plant species are large changes in N cycling. N-fixation and nitrification decrease and the system becomes N-limited, with NH4+ dominating the inorganic N pool. Balsam poplar leaves contain large quantities of tannins and low molecular weight phenolic compounds. We evaluated the effect of these compounds on microbial respiration and N cycling in laboratory assays on soils from an alder-dominated site. Plant compounds were purified and applied to silica gel as an inert carrier. Both tannins and phenolics caused net N-immobilization over a 30-day assay. However, tannins inhibited respiration while phenolics stimulated it. There were no specific effects on nitrification. Thus, tannins acted as a general microbial inhibitor, while phenolics acted as a growth substrate. By inhibiting mineralization while stimulating immobilization, poplar secondary compounds may reduce soil N-availability during the transition betwen alder and poplar stages in succession. Keywords: respiration, mineralization, tannins, secondary chemicals, succession, plant–microbe interactions.

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