
By contrast with other DNA minor groove binders, Hoechst 33258 inhibited topoisomerase-mediated activity in intact cells. To determine whether specific structural alterations could modify the topoisomerase reactivity of this drug, a series of analogs of Hoechst 33258 (compound 1) was examined. When the relative DNA binding affinities ( K a) of these agents were determined, compound 1 had the highest K a while agents with substitutions in either of the benzimidazole moieties showed reduced affinity. Whether these changes in DNA binding correlated with topoisomerase inhibitory potency was next examined. In isolated nuclei, 25 μM of agents 1, 5 and 7 reduced VM-26 induced cross-links by 64, 65 and 83%, compared with 15 to 25% reductions by agents 2, 3, 4 and 6, respectively. The structural modification common to the less active compounds was the substitution of an oxygen for nitrogen at either position 1 or 2. On the basis of these results, agents 1, 2, 3 and 7, representing a range of inhibitory potency, were chosen for further analyses. Cross-link induction by m-AMSA and camptothecin in isolated nuclei, as well as by VM-26 in intact cells, was inhibited to a greater extent by agents 1 and 7 than 2 or 3. Additionally, all four drugs inhibited relaxation of pBR 322 DNA induced by both topoisomerases, although topoisomerase I was 2 to 5-fold more sensitive than topoisomerase II. A linear correlation was observed between the logarithms of the K a values of compounds 1, 2 and 3 and their IC 25 values for both topoisomerases, suggesting a strong dependence on DNA binding affinity for enzyme inhibition. Nevertheless, agent 7, despite having less affinity for calf thymus DNA than 1, was the most potent topoisomerase inhibitor tested in intact cells and in isolated enzyme systems. Thus, retention of nitrogen at positions 1 and 2 as well as the addition of nitrogen at position 16 was associated with increased topoisomerase inhibitory potency.

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