
Summary. One hundred and sixty female mink of four colour strains (Pearl, Cameo, Dawn Pastel and Violet) were assigned to eight groups according to age and colour. One-half of each group received wheat germ oil extracted with ethylene dichloride, while control mink received corn oil supplemented with mixed tocopherols. Mean performance data for the control and treated groups respectively were as follows: days from first attempted mating until actual first mating, 3·0 and 2·1; conception rate, 66·3 and 60·0%; young born/pregnant female, 2·29 and 2·45; weight of young at 3 weeks of age, females 93·6 and 95·5 g, and males 101·7 and 105·1 g. Differences between control and treated groups were not statistically significant. Highly significant differences were observed between strains for conception rate, number of male and female young and total young/pregnant female. A significant interaction was noted between wheat germ oil treatment and strain in the number of days required to achieve mating. Previous reproductive history of the females (parous or non-parous) had little effect on the characteristics studied.

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