
The effects of adding egg yolks (EY) of different avian species to the Tris glycerol extender was evaluated for post-thawing quality of buck semen. The semen samples collected from seven Aardi bucks were pooled and diluted 1:4 with the Tris glycerol diluents containing the egg yolks of chicken (C), pigeon (P), goose (G), Japanese quail (Q), duck (D), or turkey (T). The diluted semen samples were gradually cooled to 5 °C within 2 h, equilibrated at 5 °C for 2 h, and then frozen in liquid nitrogen vapor for 8 min before storing them at −196 °C. The frozen straws were thawed at 37 °C for 30 s and evaluated for sperm motility, vitality, abnormality, plasma-membrane integrity, and DNA fragmentation. The malondialdehyde (MDA) and reduced glutathione (GSH) activities were measured. The egg yolk samples of the above-mentioned avian species (n = 7/species) were analyzed for moisture, ash, protein, fatty acid (FA), and trace element contents. The use of the chicken EY (C) diluent resulted in better post-thawing buck semen quality, including the total progressive sperm motility parameters, sperm vitality, plasma membrane intactness, DNA integrity, and sperm abnormalities percentages, in comparison with the EY diluents of the other avian species. The lowest MDA and the highest GSH activities were observed in the C diluent. The chicken EY had the highest percentages of margaric and linolenic FAs and the lowest percentages of palmitoleic and myristic FAs. Moreover, the percentage of oleic FA was lower in the chicken EY than in the EYs of other species, except turkey. Additionally, the chicken EY had the significantly lowest concentration of Cu, Zn, Fe, and Mn. In conclusion, the use of chicken egg yolk extender is recommended for buck semen cryopreservation. The egg yolks of the other avian species studied cannot substitute the chicken EY as they gave poorer post-thawing semen quality. The EY composition, especially FA profile and trace elements concentration, significantly affected the post-thawing quality of buck semen.

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