
Backgrounds: It remains to be determined whether visual stimuli during exercise differentially influence the attention process. The purpose of the present study was to examine if different color stimuli during aerobic exercise are associated with different attention processes. Methods: 22 college students completed a four 30-min running session during the presentation of different color stimuli (blue, green, red, and yellow) and without color stimulus on separate visits. The Kanizsa triangle task was administrated before and immediately after exercise to assess the attention process. Behavioral performance (accuracy and response time (RT)) and event-related potential (P2, N2b and P3a) were recorded during the test. Results: Valid/invalid cue RT during the Kaniza test performance was significantly faster following the presentation of color stimuli during treadmill exercise compared to the seated rest. During exercise, these changes were larger after green and yellow stimuli than red in invalid cue RT. P2, N2b and P3a amplitudes of green were significantly larger than the other colors for both valid and invalid cues. Red color showed the lowest P2 and P3a amplitudes for both valid and invalid cues among colors. Conclusion: The distinctive neurocognitive changes during aerobic exercise suggest different effects of color stimuli on visual search attention, attention capture, attentional orienting and processing speed. This study will be a first step to understand the optimal environmental setting during exercise for subsequent improvements in the attention process.

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