
We examined the effects of 1α,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol (1,25-DHCC) and the glucocorticoid, cortisol, on primary mouse mammary epithelial cells in collagen gel cell culture systems. Physiological low concentrations (10−11–10−9m) of 1,25-DHCC stimulated growth of the cells in a collagen gel matrix culture in serum-free DMEM+Ham's F12 (1:1) medium containing BSA, EGF and cholera toxin, and the cell number reached 1.8-fold the control after 6d in culture. In contrast, supraphysiological concentrations (10−8–10−7m) of 1,25-DHCC suppressed cell growth. Cortisol produced similar, but smaller, dose-dependent effects. The addition of serum to the culture medium masked the stimulatory effect of 1,25-DHCC and both the stimulatory and inhibitory effects of cortisol. 1,25-DHCC also affected casein synthesis by cells cultured in a serum-free floating collagen gel culture containing prolactin, insulin and cortisol, enhancing synthesis at low concentrations (10−11–10−9m) and inhibiting it above 10−8m. In the absence of cortisol, no detectable change in casein synthesis was induced by 1,25-DHCC. These results suggest a physiological role for 1,25-DHCC in stimulating both growth and differentiation of mouse mammary epithelial cells, though 1,25-DHCC does not substitute for glucocorticoids in the differentiation of the cells.

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