
In this paper, an effective simulation method for lightning impulse voltage tests of reactor and transformer windings is presented. The method is started from the determination of the realized equivalent circuit of the considered winding in the wide frequency range from 10 Hz to 10 MHz. From the determined equivalent circuit and with the use of the circuit simulator, the circuit parameters in the impulse generator circuit are adjusted to obtain the waveform parameters according to the standard requirement. The realized equivalent circuits of windings for impulse voltage tests have been identified. The identification approach starts from equivalent circuit determination based on a vector fitting algorithm. However, the vector fitting algorithm with the equivalent circuit extraction is not guaranteed to obtain the realized equivalent circuit. From the equivalent circuit, it is possible that there are some negative parameters of resistance, inductance, and capacitance. Using such circuit parameters from the vector fitting approach as the beginning circuit parameters, a genetic algorithm is employed for searching equivalent circuit parameters with the constraints of positive values. The realized equivalent circuits of the windings can be determined. The validity of the combined algorithm is confirmed by comparison of the simulated results by the determined circuit model and the experimental results, and good agreement is observed. The proposed approach is very useful in lightning impulse tests on the reactor and transformer windings.


  • Transformers and reactors are employed in a high-voltage (HV) system in many applications.The transformers are utilized for adjusting voltage levels in the AC transmission and distribution systems

  • The crucial problem in the lightning impulse voltage tests on the transformer and reactor winding is the adjustment of the test voltage waveform according to the standard requirement

  • The domain, impedances and the results in the time can be circuit obtained by inversed network combined with domain the equivalent of the impulse generator are utilized in The generator circuit parameters are required to be adjusted to obtain the impulse voltage waveform the simulation in the frequency domain, and the results in the time domain can be obtained by according to the standard requirement

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Transformers and reactors are employed in a high-voltage (HV) system in many applications. It will be sparked or switched on to connect the charging capacitor to the load for the generation of lightning impulse. Cthe load for the generation of lightning impulse or switched on to connect the charging capacitor s b voltage. Proposed the approach for as the selection of the appropriate circuit parameters—i.e. the charging with the front-time resistor (Rd ) is used. The parallel connection of the additional parallel resistor (Rp ) with the test object is used for controlling the overshoot rate of the generated waveform. Feser [8] proposed the approach for the selection of the appropriate circuit parameters—i.e. the charging capacitance (Cs ), the front-time d ), the additional inductance (Ld ), Energies.

10 Hzof toa10
Vector fitting
Genetic Algorithm
Procedures of the Effective Approach
Section 2.
Case Studies
Power transformer
The realized circuit parameters are expressed in The
Distribution transformer
24. Comparison the impulse voltage waveforms collected from the experiment
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