
We develop a macroscopic description of the space-time evolution of the energy-momentum tensor during the pre-equilibrium stage of a high-energy heavy-ion collision. Based on a weak coupling effective kinetic description of the microscopic equilibration process (\`a la "bottom-up"), we calculate the non-equilibrium evolution of the local background energy-momentum tensor as well as the non-equilibrium linear response to transverse energy and momentum perturbations for realistic boost-invariant initial conditions for heavy ion collisions. We demonstrate how this framework can be used on an event-by-event basis to propagate the energy momentum tensor from far-from-equilibrium initial state models, e.g. IP-Glasma, to the time $\tau_\text{hydro}$ when the system is well described by relativistic viscous hydrodynamics. The subsequent hydrodynamic evolution becomes essentially independent of the hydrodynamic initialization time $\tau_\text{hydro}$ as long as $\tau_\text{hydro}$ is chosen in an appropriate range where both kinetic and hydrodynamic descriptions overlap. We find that for $\sqrt{s_{NN}}=2.76\,\text{TeV}$ central Pb-Pb collisions, the typical time scale when viscous hydrodynamics with shear viscosity over entropy ratio $\eta/s=0.16$ becomes applicable is $\tau_\text{hydro}\sim 1\,\text{fm/c}$ after the collision.


  • Sophisticated multistage models, in which the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) evolution is described by viscous relativistic hydrodynamics, have been remarkably successful in describing the soft hadronic observables measured in heavy-ion collisions [1,2,3,4,5]

  • We provide a concrete realization of this set of steps, allowing for an event-by-event description of the early time dynamics of high-energy heavy-ion collisions which smoothly approaches hydrodynamics

  • We demonstrate that the pre-equilibrium evolution smoothly matches onto hydrodynamics and the subsequent hydrodynamic evolution becomes essentially independent of the matching time τhydro

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High-energy heavy-ion collisions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) and the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) probe nuclear matter at extreme densities and temperatures. We provide a concrete realization of this set of steps, allowing for an event-by-event description of the early time dynamics of high-energy heavy-ion collisions which smoothly approaches hydrodynamics. In order to obtain a smooth transition from kinetic description to realistic viscous hydrodynamic evolution with typical shear viscosity over entropy ratio η/s ∼ 0.16, the coupling constant λ = Ncg (the single parameter of kinetic theory) has to be extrapolated to large values of λ = 10–25 For such values of λ, the entire nonequilibrium kinetic evolution is very well described by universal functions of scaled evolution time τ T /(η/s). The implementation of the kinetic theory pre-equilibrium phase for hydrodynamic models of heavy-ion collisions is detailed in Sec. IV, and applied to two types of initial conditions, Monte Carlo (MC)–Glauber and the impact parameter dependent (IP)-Glasma initial conditions, in Secs. Several Appendixes provide details on the background scaling functions (Appendix A), determination of the kinetic response functions (Appendix B), free streaming response functions (Appendix C), hydrodynamic response functions (Appendix D), and kinetic response in the low-k limit (Appendix E)

Macroscopic description of equilibration
Effective kinetic theory and bottom-up thermalization
Approach to hydrodynamics for the homogeneous background
Hydrodynamization time and pre-equilibrium entropy production
General decomposition of macroscopic response functions
Nonequilibrium response functions from effective kinetic theory
Scaling of response functions
Hydrodynamic constitutive equations
Decomposition in background and perturbations
Background evolution and scale parameter
Energy and momentum perturbations
Decomposition of T μν in hydrodynamic variables
Hydrodynamic evolution
Energy perturbations with MC-Glauber initial conditions
Average hydrodynamic fields
Transverse plane profiles of hydrodynamic fields
Hadronic observables
Energy and momentum perturbations with IP-Glasma initial conditions
Long-wavelength limit of kinetic theory response
Extraction of transport coefficients
Parametrization of background evolution
General response functions in coordinate space
Response functions from the energy-momentum tensor evolution
Coordinate space implementation
Regulator dependence and renormalization
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