
The effective dielectric response of the composites in which nondilutecoated metal particles are randomly embedded in a linear host isinvestigated. Two types of coated particles are considered, one is thatthe core is nonlinear, the other is that the shell is nonlinear. Wederive general expressions for the effective linear dielectric functionand the effective third-order nonlinear susceptibility, and take onestep forward to perform numerical calculations on the coatedmetal/dielectric composites. Numerical results show that the effectivelinear and nonlinear dielectric responses can be greatly enhanced nearthe surface plasmon resonant frequency. Moreover, the resonant peaksare found within a range from 0.46ωp to 0.57ωp forspherical particles and from 0.59ωp to 0.70ωp forcylindrical inclusions. In the frequency region, the resonant peak canachieve the maximum, according to an optimal structural parameter andvolume fraction. The resonant frequency exhibits a redshift with theincreasing structural parameter k or volume fraction f ordimensionality factor D.

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