
This paper addresses a novel distributed assembly permutation flowshop scheduling problem that has important applications in modern supply chains and manufacturing systems. The problem considers a number of identical factories, each one consisting of a flowshop for part-processing plus an assembly line for product-processing. The objective is to minimize the makespan. To suit the needs of different CPU time and solution quality, we present a mixed integer linear model, three constructive heuristics, two variable neighborhood search methods, and an iterated greedy algorithm. Important problem-specific knowledge is obtained to enhance the effectiveness of the algorithms. Accelerations for evaluating solutions are proposed to save computational efforts. The parameters and operators of the algorithms are calibrated and analyzed using a design of experiments. To prove the algorithms, we present a total of 16 adaptations of other well-known and recent heuristics, variable neighborhood search algorithms, and meta-heuristics for the problem and carry out a comprehensive set of computational and statistical experiments with a total of 810 instances. The results show that the proposed algorithms are very effective and efficient to solve the problem under consideration as they outperform the existing methods by a significant margin.

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