
Dermatologists have opportunities as communicators that are unique to our specialty. Consumers and patients have a never-ending hunger for information about their skin and how to keep it healthy and beautiful. Accordingly, we are sought after as speakers at medical meetings, for community gatherings, and by the media. In fact, no other medical specialty is so integrally tied to the mainstream media. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, dermatologists generated 1.4 billion media impressions in 2009. Dermatologists may also find themselves interfacing with the skin care industry, where we are valued consultants. In this capacity, we may be called upon to speak at sales meetings, assist with product launches, and participate in press events. And of course, many dermatologists serve as spokespersons for their own skin care lines. It is this “medicine meets mass market” aspect of our specialty that makes it imperative that we are competent communicators. To effectively communicate and educate the public about our specialty, it is important to learn how to develop key messages. A key message is the most important information that you want to communicate to an audience. Your key message should be a compelling clear statement that resonates with your audience. It is the one thing that you

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