
We have recently isolated carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) promoter regions consisting of 419 bp and 204 bp from CEA-producing human colorectal carcinoma (CRC). We constructed CEA419/CD and CEA204/CD retroviruses carrying the bacterial cytosine deaminase (CD) gene directed by the CEA promoter regions. pCD2 retroviruses carrying the CD gene directed by the retrovirus long terminal repeat promoter were also used. CEA419/CD or CEA204/CD retrovirus-infected CRC cells were found to be susceptible to 5-fluorocytosine (5-FC), while non-CRC cells infected with the same retroviruses were not. CD-transduced CRC xenografts in nude mice were sensitive to 5-FC treatment, resulting in arrest of tumor growth. When mice with intraperitoneally disseminated CRCs were given intraperitoneal injections of CEA419/CD retrovirus-producing cells followed by 5-FC treatment, significantly prolonged survival rates were observed compared with animals injected with pCD2 retrovirus-producing cells followed by 5-FC treatment. Importantly, bone marrow suppression was not observed in animals injected with CEA419/CD retrovirus-producing cells and 5-FC, while profound bone marrow suppression was observed in those injected with pCD2 retrovirus-producing cells and 5-FC. These results indicate that effective and safe in vivo gene therapy for advanced CRC may be feasible by transferring the CD gene controlled by the CEA promoter followed by 5-FC treatment.

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