
The purpose of this study was to compare effective and ovarian doses (E and OD, respectively) in hysterosalpingography (HSG) examinations performed with conventional posterioanterior (PA) projections and rotational 3D (3D) techniques. 29 HSG examinations (11 conventional and 18 3D), were performed using a digital C-arm angiographic system. In the conventional technique, we used posterioanterior (PA) instead of an anterioposterior (AP) projection normally used according to the international literature. All information concerning exposure conditions for each patient, were recorded. Thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs) were attached on the skin of each patient over the ovaries. In conventional HSGs, average values were for Dose Area Product (DAP) 0.41 Gycm2, for Effective Dose (E) 0.15 mSv and for Ovarian Dose (OD) 0.24 mGy. In 3D-HSGs, they were 14.4 Gycm2, 2.29 mSv and 3.96 mGy correspondingly. Patient doses in 3D-HSGs are of the same order of magnitude with those reported in the literature for conventional technique. However, they are larger compared to the conventional HSG performed with the technique we use in this specific X-ray system. E and OD are much lower with our technique where PA projection and the specific C-arm system are used in comparison with the corresponding values published in the literature for the conventional technique where the AP projection is used.

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