
Explosive experiments of W–Cu–Zn, W–Cu–Ni and W–Cu alloy shaped charge liners (SCLs) were conducted, and the effects of Zn and Ni added in W–Cu alloy on the penetration performance and penetration mechanism of the SCLs were systematically investigated. Results show that Zn and Ni evidently reduce the penetration performance of the SCLs. Microscopic analyses show that the affected zones in the targets are enlarged and the melting of W particles in the jets is aggravated, which indicates the transverse dissipation of the jets energy. Thus, the decreased penetration performance of the SCLs is mainly caused by the severe transverse dissipation of the jets energy. During the penetration process, the addition of Zn in the W–Cu alloy decreases the melting point of the matrix, making the matrix easier to be melted and squeezed out. The lubrication effect of the matrix is reduced severely and the interaction between the W particles and the targets is facilitated. The addition of Ni in the W–Cu alloy increases the melting point of the matrix phase, making the matrix phase harder to be melted and the lubrication effect of the matrix decreased. The reduced lubrication effect leads to severe interaction between the jets and the targets, and the transverse dissipation of the jets energy is aggravated. Moreover, the addition of Ni in the W–Cu alloy increases the bonding strength between the W particles and the matrix, thus during the penetration process, W particles of the W–Cu–Ni jets have severer deformation compared with that of the W–Cu jets. The severer deformation of the W particles leads to further consumption of kinetic energy.

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