
Wettability is an important factor that dominates the micro-distribution of initial oil and water, residual oil, and subsequent oil recovery in a tight oil reservoir. In this paper, integrated experimental techniques have been developed to examine the effect of wettability on oil and water micro-distribution together with production performance in a tight reservoir. Wettability alteration indicated by contact angles during the aging process was firstly monitored and measured continuously. Then, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) measurements were integrated with rate-controlled mercury injection (RMI) tests to determine pore and throat size distribution. Subsequently, NMR measurements were performed to not only characterize the oil and water distribution in the process of wettability change, but also evaluate the production performance and recovery potential. Furthermore, displacement experiments were carried out to visually observe the microscopic distribution of residual oil under different wettability conditions. For a strong water-wetting rock, oil is separated from the surface of a pore/throat on which a thin water film is adsorbed, and then fills the center of the pore in the form of oil droplets. The displacement experiments show that water saturation of a two-phase flow zone on relative permeability curves ranges from 22.5% to 55.1% and that water saturation at the isotonic point is 43.6% with its waterflooding oil recovery of 42.1%. For a weak oil-wetting rock, oil is mainly distributed in porous media in the form of an oil film. The water saturation of a two-phase flow zone ranges from 22.3% to 48.1%, while that of the isotonic point is 38.1% with waterflooding oil recovery of 33.2%. With wettability altering from strong water-wetting to weak oil-wetting, oil either is adsorbed on the pore and throat surface or migrates from the center of a larger pore to a smaller pore and/or throat. It is more unfavorable to the seepage of oil due to the fact that the two-phase flow zone is narrowed and a decrease in water saturation at the isotonic point, leading to a lower waterflooding oil recovery. After waterflooding, oil droplets caused by the Jamin effect, oil clusters resulted from heterogeneity, and small oil droplets dispersed at the corner of a pore are visually observed in cores with strong water-wetting. Within weak oil-wetting cores, residual oil is mainly distributed in a membrane-like form due to adsorption and oil clusters resulted from heterogeneity.

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