
The field experiment was conducted during the wet season (kharif) of 2020 at the Regional Research Sub-Station (RRSS), BCKV, Chakdaha, West Bengal, Indiato study the growth parameters with the application of Chemical fertilizers, Vermicompostand Municipal compost; to find out the comparative effect of organic and inorganic fertilizers on the growth of rice and to study the economics assessment of the experiments.Design of the experiment was Randomized Block Design (RBD) with six treatment combinations replicated four. The treatments were T1= 100% Recommended Dose of Fertilizer (RDF) (N: P2O5: K2O @ 60:30:30 kg ha-1), T2= 100% N from Vermicompost @ 3.75 t ha-1, T3= 100%N from Municipal Compost @ 3.75 t ha-1, T4= 50% N (from inorganic source) + 50% N (from Vermicompost), T5= 50% N (from inorganic source) + 50% N (from Municipal Compost), T6= Control (no fertilizer and no compost). Almost in all cases the growth parameters varied significantly. The plant height increases with the advancement of date and attains significantly high plant height in T1 treatment (56.60 cm at 30 DAT and 89.25cm at 60 DAT respectively) but at 90 DAT highest plant height attained inT4treatment (108.60 cm). Maximum significant number of tillers was found at T1 treatment (15.20 and 16.20 at 60 and 90 DAT respectively). Regarding Dry Matter Production significantly highest dry matter was observed at 60 DAT (335.50g m-2) in both T1 and T4treatment. At 30 DAT and 90 DAT it was observed highest in T4treatment (151.20 and 440.60g m-2 respectively). Similar trend was also observed in case of Crop Growth Rate (CGR). LAI was highest in T1 treatment followed by T4 treatment in all the 3 dates. Therefore, it may be concluded that 50% organic manure with vermicompost or municipal compost were economical, which improves the soil characteristics.

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