
The oxygen atom transfer (OAT) reactivity of the non-heme [FeIV (2PyN2Q)(O)]2+ (2) containing the sterically bulky quinoline-pyridine pentadentate ligand (2PyN2Q) has been thoroughly studied with different olefins. The ferryl-oxo complex 2 shows excellent OAT reactivity during epoxidations. The steric encumbrance and electronic effect of the ligand influence the mechanistic shuttle between OAT pathway I and isomerization pathway II (during the reaction stereo pure olefins), resulting in a mixture of cis-trans epoxide products. In contrast, the sterically less hindered and electronically different [FeIV (N4Py)(O)]2+ (1) provides only cis-stilbene epoxide. A Hammett study suggests the role of dominant inductive electronic along with minor resonance effect during electron transfer from olefin to 2 in the rate-limiting step. Additionally, a computational study supports the involvement of stepwise pathways during olefin epoxidation. The ferryl bend due to the bulkier ligand incorporation leads to destabilization of both and orbitals, leading to a very small quintet-triplet gap and enhanced reactivity for 2 compared to 1. Thus, the present study unveils the role of steric and electronic effects of the ligand towards mechanistic modification during olefin epoxidation.

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