
Laboratory aquarium experiments demonstrated that Vibrio strain AK-1 caused rapid and extensive bleaching of the coral Oculina patagonica at 29 degrees C, slower and less-complete bleaching at 23 degrees C, and no bleaching at 16 degrees C. At 29 degrees C, the application of approximately 100 Vibrio strain AK-1 cells directly onto the coral caused 50 and 83% bleaching after 10 and 20 days, respectively. At 16 degrees C, there was no bleaching, even with an initial inoculum of 1.2 x 10 bacteria. To begin to understand the effect of seawater temperature on bleaching of O. patagonica by Vibrio strain AK-1, adhesion of the bacteria to the coral as a function of temperature was studied. Inoculation of 10Vibrio strain AK-1 organisms into flasks containing 20 ml of seawater at 25 degrees C and a fragment of O. patagonica resulted in net levels of bacterial adhesion to the coral of 45, 78, and 84% after 2, 6, and 8 h, respectively. The adhesion was inhibited 65% by 0.001% d-galactose and 94% by 0.001% methyl-beta-d-galactopyranoside (beta-M-Gal). After the incubation of Vibrio strain AK-1 with the coral for 6 h, 42% of the input bacteria were released from the coral with 0.01% beta-M-Gal, compared to less than 0.2% when beta-M-Gal was present during the adhesion step. Adhesion did not occur when Vibrio strain AK-1 was grown at 16 degrees C, regardless of whether the corals were maintained at 16 or 25 degrees C, whereas bacteria grown at 25 degrees C adhered to corals maintained at 16 or 25 degrees C. Bacteria grown at 25 degrees C adhered avidly to Sepharose beads containing covalently bound beta-d-galactopyranoside but failed to bind if grown at 16 degrees C. These data suggest that elevated seawater temperatures may cause coral bleaching by allowing for the expression of adhesin genes of Vibrio strain AK-1.

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