
In the present study effect of feeding area specific mineral mixture on the serum mineral status of cattle in different agro climatic zones (plateau, plain and hills) of Chhattisgarh state was studied. The soil and fodder mineral status of different zones were analyzed. Macro minerals were below desired level in soil of hill region followed by plateau and plain whereas Mg level in soils of different zones were well above the critical level. Soil Fe, Mo concentration was above whereas Mn, Co, Zn concentration was deficient in all the three zones. Cu level was normal in hill region whereas, it was lower in Plateau and Plain. Fodder concentration of Cu, Zn exhibited direct relationship with soil mineral status whereas no direct association was observed for Ca and p concentration. In each zone fifteen cattle were selected and divided into three groups for different dietary treatments like negative control-no mineral supplementation; control-commercial mineral mixture supplementation @ 80 gm/day and treatment-area specific mineral mixture @ 80 gm/day. No significant relationship between fodder and serum mineral status could be established, indicative of unsuitability of fodder mineral status in assessing the mineral status. Serum concentration of specific minerals at different zones revealed no significant difference in response to commercial and area specific mineral mixture supplementation. Supplementation of area specific mineral mixture was not essential for agro-climatic zones of Chhattisgarh.

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