
The experiment was conducted in the shade of the Department of Life Sciences, College of Education for Girls, Tikrit University, during the 2021 agricultural season. It was implemented as a factorial experiment according to the RCBC randomized complete block design, which included two factors, the first factor being Nano iron oxide in four concentrations (20,80,40.0 mg, L-1). The second factor is vitamin B3 in three concentrations (100,50.0 mg. L-1). And the overlap between them and three replicates for each factor. The results showed that spraying with Nano iron oxide gave the highest rate of vegetative growth and plant nutrient content compared to plants that did not spray. The treatment of spraying with vitamin B3 in the characteristics of vegetative growth and mineral content was better than the treatment of non-spray with vitamin B3As for the intervention factors, treatment F3N2 (spraying with Nano iron oxide at a concentration of 20/mg. L-1 + vitamin B3 at a concentration of 100 mg, L-1) outperformed all the interaction treatments in the vegetative growth characteristics of the plant and its mineral content.

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