
trial to measure the effects of establishment techniques and fertiliser application on seedling establishment and early root and rhizome development of Caucasian clover (Trifolium ambiguum) was sown in early October 1992, on a low-fertility, depleted short tussock grassland site at Mesopotamia Station, South Canterbury. Three sowing techniques, broadcasting, sod seeding and strip seeding, each with, two rates of fertiliser, 150 or 300 kg/ha molybdic sulphur superphosphate, were used. By mid December, 48 and 38% establishment had occurred in the strip and sod seeding respectively, but only 9% inthe broadcast. Strip seeding was the most successful technique. resulting in earlier rhizome and tap: root development and wider lateral spread of rhizomes. However, both strip seeding and sod seeding resulted in all plants developing rhizomes 9 months after sowing. Plants from broadcasting were small with few rhizomes in the,first season. The higher fertiliser rate improved establishmenttrial to measure the effects of establishment techniques and fertiliser application on seedling establishment and early root and rhizome development of Caucasian clover (Trifolium ambiguum) was sown in early October 1992, on a low-fertility, depleted short tussock grassland site at Mesopotamia Station, South Canterbury. Three sowing techniques, broadcasting, sod seeding and strip seeding, each with, two rates of fertiliser, 150 or 300 kg/ha molybdic sulphur superphosphate, were used. By mid December, 48 and 38% establishment had occurred in the strip and sod seeding respectively, but only 9% inthe broadcast. Strip seeding was the most successful technique. resulting in earlier rhizome and tap: root development and wider lateral spread of rhizomes. However, both strip seeding and sod seeding resulted in all plants developing rhizomes 9 months after sowing. Plants from broadcasting were small with few rhizomes in the,first season. The higher fertiliser rate improved establishmenttrial to measure the effects of establishment techniques and fertiliser application on seedling establishment and early root and rhizome development of Caucasian clover (Trifolium ambiguum) was sown in early October 1992, on a low-fertility, depleted short tussock grassland site at Mesopotamia Station, South Canterbury. Three sowing techniques, broadcasting, sod seeding and strip seeding, each with, two rates of fertiliser, 150 or 300 kg/ha molybdic sulphur superphosphate, were used. By mid December, 48 and 38% establishment had occurred in the strip and sod seeding respectively, but only 9% inthe broadcast. Strip seeding was the most successful technique. resulting in earlier rhizome and tap: root development and wider lateral spread of rhizomes. However, both strip seeding and sod seeding resulted in all plants developing rhizomes 9 months after sowing. Plants from broadcasting were small with few rhizomes in the,first season. The higher fertiliser rate improved establishment and growth, particularly in the strip seeding-treatment; By using a strip-seeding technique Caucasian clover was established ai rapidly as white clover and plants of both species were similar in size after 5 months. Keywords: broadcast seeding, establishment, fertiliser, rhizomes, sod seeding, sowing methods, Trifolium ambiguum, Trifolium repens, tussock grasslands

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