
Soil type and irrigation systems could play an important role indetermination of yield losses under climate change conditions. Thisconcept is tackled in this review, in order to shed a light on theimportance of developing a strategy to reduce climate change risk onwheat. In recent years, global climate change models were introduced inEgypt and have been used to develop climate change scenarios. They arethe only tools that could provide detailed regional predictions of futureclimate change. Two scenarios (A2 and B2) were developed and used topredict the effect climate change on the yield of wheat. Wheat wasgrown in eight sits in Egypt. CropSyst model was calibrated andvalidated for wheat and the two climate change scenarios wereincorporated in the model. The model was run and the effect of climatechange was assessed. The results revealed that the yield of wheat will bereduced under climate change. The percentage of yield reduction dependupon the location of the experimental site, soil type and irrigationsystem. High yield losses could occur in the Middle of Egypt, comparedwith the North of Egypt. Furthermore, growing of these crops in sandysoil and under surface irrigation will increase yield losses. Therefore, thebest way to adapt to some uncertain future climate is to improveadaptation to present day climate variability and reduce vulnerability toextreme events.

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