
Fatigue is a common and complex, subjective symptom with physical, emotional and cognitive dimensions. The aim of the study is to evaluate the effect of self-care management program regarding fatigue among adolescents' cancer patients. Research design Quasi-experimental design was used to complete this study. Setting: The study was conducted at the Outpatient Unit at Specialized Children Hospital in Kalyobia Governorate, and Cancer Institute in Cairo City. Sample: Simple random sample of forty six adolescents' patients with cancer who were newly or old diagnosed with cancer. Tools: Two tools were used to collect the study data: I): An interviewing Questionnaire which includes five parts: a): A study subjects' characteristics. b): Burden of the disease on patients. c): Present medical history of the study subject. d): Adolescents' patients' knowledge regarding fatigue. e): Self-care practices as reported regarding fatigue. II): Multidimensional assessment of fatigue (MAF) scale which includes 12 questions -after modifying- ranged from no fatigue to sever felling with fatigue. Results: 65.2% aged less than14 years as the same percentage were female while 63.0% engaged in secondary education and 54.3 living in urban areas. 43.5% of study subjects had dependent on other persons for daily living activities, 69.6% having no any sports. Overall the results have statistically significant differences before and after implementing the program regarding (MAF) scale. Conclusion: the study concluded that the adolescent patient with cancer had inadequate knowledge regarding fatigue, and the health educational program was succeed to increasing their knowledge, and improving health practices to deal with fatigue, their overall activities were improved after implementation the program regarding MAF scale. Recommendations: The study recommended that the importance of health educational program for patients and families regarding self care management of fatigue related cancer should be provided.

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