
Abstract Granular insecticides were applied in-furrow at planting from a positive displacement device mounted above the planter on 25 May at the Upper Coastal Plain Research Station in Edgecombe County, NC. Liquid at-planting treatments were applied from a tractor at 3.5 mph with 20 gpa water through 8003 flat fan nozzles at 20 psi directed into the seed furrow. The foliar treatments were applied on 8 and 13 Jun via a CO2-pressurized sprayer calibrated to deliver 8.0 gpa at 50 psi with a single TX-8 Spray Systems nozzle 18 inches over the row. Plots were 4 rows X 50 ft, with 4 reps, arranged in a RCBD. The 11 treatments were evaluated for plant height, adult and immature thrips establishment, fruit load, percent opened bolls and yields. All data were subjected to ANOVA and DMRT. Plots were harvested with a 2-row John Deere mechanical picker from the middle 2 rows on 19 Oct.

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