
With the growing concerns on global climate change and food security, low carbon agriculture in food production attracts more attention. Low carbon agriculture needs to balance higher-level crop yields and lower greenhouse gas emission in production process. Improving nitrogen mana-gement may help mitigate greenhouse gas emission and achieve stable or higher crop yields in crop production systems. In this study, we investigated the effects of nitrogen application rates (150, 225, 300 kg N·hm-2) on the carbon footprint of spring maize-late rice rotation system in paddy field using the life cycle assessment. The results showed that greenhouse gas emission and carbon footprint increased with the nitrogen fertilizer application rates in both crops. Nitrogen fertilizer was the most important contributor to carbon footprint of spring maize ecosystem, accounting for 36.2%-50.2%. Methane emission increased with nitrogen fertilizer input and contributed the most to the carbon footprint of late rice production, accounting for 42.8%-48.0%. When the nitrogen application rate was reduced by 25% (225 kg N·hm-2) and 50% (150 kg N·hm-2), greenhouse gas emission of maize production decreased by 21.9% and 44.3%, and the carbon footprint decreased by 20.3% and 39.1%, respectively. Meanwhile, the greenhouse gas emissions of late rice decreased by 12.3% and 20.4%, and the carbon footprint of late rice decreased by 13.7% and 16.7%, respectively. The reduction of nitrogen fertilizer rate had no significant effect on maize yield, with the treatment of 225 kg N·hm-2 rate holding the highest yield in late rice ecosystem. The treatment of 150 kg N·hm-2 rate in spring maize production and 225 kg N·hm-2 rate in late rice production was the sustainable N fertilizer application rate for achieving high grain yield and reducing the carbon footprint in crop system.

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