
In the present study, the effect of two particular reactive oxygen species (ROS), superoxide anion (O 2 −) and hydrogen peroxide (H 2O 2) on buffalo ( Bubalus bubalis) sperm capacitation and associated protein tyrosine phosphorylation was studied. Ejaculated buffalo spermatozoa were suspended in sp-TALP medium at 50 × 10 6/mL and incubated at 38.5 °C for 6 h with or without heparin (10 (g/mL; a positive control), or xanthine (X; 0.5 mM)-xanthine oxidase (XO; 0.05 U/mL)-catalase (C; 2100 U/mL) system that generates O 2 − or NADPH (5 mM) that stimulates the endogenous O 2 − production or H 2O 2 (50 μM). The specific effect of O 2 −, H 2O 2 and NADPH on buffalo sperm capacitation and protein tyrosine phosphorylation was assessed by the addition of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase and diphenylene iodonium (DPI), respectively, to the incubation medium. Each of X + XO + C system, NADPH and H 2O 2 induced a significantly higher percentage ( P < 0.05) of capacitation in buffalo spermatozoa compared to control. However, DPI inhibited this NADPH-induced capacitation and protein tyrosine phosphorylation and suggested for existence of an oxidase in buffalo spermatozoa. Using immunoblotting technique, at least seven tyrosine-phosphorylated proteins (20, 32, 38, 45, 49, 78 and 95 kDa) were detected in capacitated buffalo spermatozoa. Out of these, the tyrosine phosphorylation of p95 was induced extensively by both O 2 − as well as exogenous source of H 2O 2 and using specific activators and inhibitors of signaling pathways, it was found this induction was regulated through a cAMP-dependent PKA pathway. Further, immunofluorescent localization study revealed that these ROS-induced tyrosine-phosphorylated proteins are mostly distributed in the midpiece and principal piece regions of the flagellum of capacitated spermatozoa and suggested for increased molecular activity in flagellum during capacitation. Thus, the study revealed that both O 2 − and H 2O 2 promote capacitation and associated protein tyrosine phosphorylation in buffalo spermatozoa and unlike human and bovine, a different subset of sperm proteins were tyrosine-phosphorylated during heparin- and ROS-induced capacitation and regulation of these ROS-induced processes were mediated through a cAMP/PKA signaling pathway.

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