
Sugarcane peels (SCP) is available in large quantities all year round especially in sugar industries where they are discarded as waste product. It contains high amount of carbohydrate and minerals which could be fed to animals especially when properly processed and supplemented with exogenous enzyme to aid the animal digest it. Fifty - four weaned 4-5 weeks old crosses of New Zealand white x Chinchilla male rabbits were utilized to evaluate the effect of feeding sugarcane peel meal-based diets supplemented with quantum blue® on the growth performance parameters (initial weight, final weight, weight gain, feed intake, FCR and feed cost per weight gain) and nutrient digestibility by weaner rabbits. Six diets were formulated to be iso-nitrogenous (18% crude protein) and isocaloric (2700kcal/kg, ME) with two levels of inclusion of sugarcane peel meal (SCPM) (low and high) and three levels of enzyme supplementation (0, 150 and 250 PPM) giving a 2x3 factorial arrangement fitted into Completely Randomized Design. The rabbits were weighed and allotted to the treatments at the rate of 3 rabbits per replicate and each treatment was replicated 3 times. Feeds were weighed and served to the animals individually and water was provided ad-libitum. Growth parameters and nutrient digestibility data were generated and evaluated. The results of the effect of enzyme on growth performance of weaner rabbits showed that average total weight gain significantly (P<0.05) improved as rabbits fed the 200PPM enzyme supplemented diets had the best value of 511.67g/rabbit. However, rabbits fed the 100PPM performed (410.83g/rabbit) the same as those fed the 200PPM. Similarly, rabbits fed the 200PPM enzyme supplemented diets gained more (P<0.05) daily weight of 10.40 g/rabbit/day followed by those fed the 100PPM (8.32 g/rabbit/day). The result of the effect of high SCPM showed that feed intake significantly (P<0.05) increased from 47.37 g/rabbit/day to 59.82 g/rabbit/day as the level of SCPM increased in the diets; rabbits fed the high SCPM had higher total weight gain of 484.44 g/rabbit as compared to those of low SCPM (362.78 g/rabbit). The interactive effects of SCPM and enzyme on growth performance of weaner rabbits showed that final live weight, feed intake and total weight gain were significantly (P<0.05) improved as the levels of SCPM and enzyme increased in the diets. In view of the findings, rabbit farmers can supplement 32% of SCPM in the diets of weaner rabbit with 200PPM of quantum blue® without negatively affecting the growth rate and suppressing the digestibility of nutrients by weaner rabbits.

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