
The effect of protracted estrogen administration on estrogen receptor expression and cellular composition of the thyroid was examined in genetically thyrotropin (TSH)-deficient female Ames dwarf mice (df/df) to reveal whether estrogen might act independently from TSH. inducing changes in thyroid morphology and function. To evaluate such changes, the thyroid from four estrogen-implanted Ames dwarf mice, four sham-implanted Ames dwarf mice and four sham-implanted normal littermate mice were investigated histologically, immunohistochemically and morphometrically. Our morphologic study demonstrated significant differences in the colloid areas of normal and dwarf mice (P<0.001). The correlation observed between this parameter and body weights (r=0.610, P<0.05) and thyroid weights (r=0.729, P<0.01) suggests that the decrease in the colloid areas is not a result of abnormal folliculogenesis but is in direct correlation with the small thyroid and body size of dwarf mice. Although two types of estrogen receptors are known to exist in the present study, only the alpha (ERalpha) variant was found in the thyroid. ERalpha immunoreactivity was detected in the nuclei of parafollicular cells but not of the follicular epithelium. No significant differences were reported in ER expression between estrogen-implanted dwarf mice and sham-implanted dwarf mice, suggesting that estrogen receptor expression in the thyroid is independent of circulating estrogen levels. In spite of the absence of ERalpha in follicular cells, protracted estrogen administration affected mainly the follicular cells. Our results suggest that when TSH is absent estrogens may exert a negative feedback on the activity of follicular cells.

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